This Week with Kiwanis

Kiwanis Club of Salisbury / Salisbury Kiwanis Charities
P.O. Box 182, Salisbury, NC  28145-0182


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We'll gather Friday at noon for a regular Club luncheon meeting at the Salisbury Country Club.  Our program speaker will be John Tucker discussing Salisbury ghosts - a fitting post-Halloween topic.  



Dr. Michael Bitzer, Head of the Political Science Department at Catawba College and internationally known political analyst, gave our program.  He discussed how politics have become negative, tribalistic, regional, and generationally bi-polar. North Carolina is a true battleground state, and no one knows how it will play out this election - except for being extremely close.  His advice: "buckle up" for the ride.  2.3 million North Carolinians have voted as of last Friday out of 7.7 registered voters - one trend that appears to be increasing on both sides. 
Guests included spouses Patty McElveen, Richard Yates, Pam Setzer, & Mary Lou Lipscomb; as well as prospective member Amy Young with Project Light. 
Jane Patterson won the door prize.  Savannah Queen won the chance to draw the Joker in the 50/50 Drawing, but did not.  The pot now stands at $236. 



David Foote and Dick Franklin both had surgeries last week.  Keep them in your thoughts and prayers for speedy recoveries. 
Amy Vestal reported that David Pullen is recovering slowly from his stroke.  
The Club acknowledged Kyle Yoder's birthday last Friday (October 25).  Wendy Weant had one on October 27.  Lindsay & Josh Triplett celebrated an anniversary October 21.  



Our program on Friday, November 8 will be given by Rod Crider with the EDC. Also, that day  we will be inducting some new members into the Club  - Angel Chapman-David with the Family Crisis Council; Joanie Michael with the Economic Development Council; Blake Shoaf with F & M Bank;  and retiree Len Witke. We will also welcome back Christina Rary with the Rowan Literacy Council, and former member Fred Dixon,Jr.   Be there to welcome them into the fold.
It's time to go ahead and pull out that 2025 calendar and start marking dates.  One important one is Friday & Saturday, March 28 & 29 for the Kiwanis Pancake Festival. 




Club Officers

President Erik Lipscomb
President-Elect Melissa Yates
Vice-President Erica Taylor
Co-Vice President Bob Setzer
Recording Secretary     Charisse Peeler
Membership Secretary       Tom McElveen
Treasurer  Rick Eldridge
Past President Janet Haynes
Club Directors
Susan Baker 2026
Ann Eidson  2025
David Foote  2025
Cory Kluttz  2026
Richard Miller  2025
Jessica Vess  2026
Newsletter Editor
Walter Wall