We'll be back at the Country Club Friday at noon for a regular Club luncheon meeting. For our program time, we'll have Daniel Matangira, who will tell us his personal story from his life in Zimbabwe to how he came to Rowan County. Bring a guest for a great program.
Rick Eldridge provided a refresher course on using Club Runner. He showed the group how to look up members and their contact information, programs for future meetings, club events, and much more. Members are encouraged to utilize this great tool to sign up for our Annual Banquet and if you need help ask another member at our next meeting.
President Janet Haynes presided and read a Thank-you Note from Greg Alcorn at ApSeed Educational Foundations for our contribution to their great program.
Guests included Gwendolyn Jackson and Ethan Yates.
Erik Lipscomb won the chance to draw the Joker in the 50/50 Drawing but chose the Ten of Clubs. The pot is now at $483.
Bob (Bubba)Setzer gave the report, including the story of a recent conversation he had on a plane flight and introduced us to the actress Anna Kendrick (see photo).
Bob also noted recent birthdays for Jess Vess and Tim Norris. Anniversaries included Norman and Kay Bryant, Richard and Kelly Reinholtz and Jane and Rufty Patterson.
The Board of Directors will meet via zoom on Tuesday, August 20 at 11:00am.
The Annual End-of-Year Banquet will be held on Friday, September 27 at 6:00pm at The Villa Franca, the site of last year's event. We will celebrate the success of the past Kiwanis year and introduce the leadership to take over October 1. Please register your, and any guests, attendance via Club Runner.